Last night (yes I’m writing this on Wednesday) Fransico (Rob), Jaun (Shaun), Pedro (Joe), and I went to the Beavers game,
Portland Beavers that is. I had gotten four free tickets from the Oregonian. They were good to any game, and since this Thursday is the last home game of the year I figured I should use them. Luckily Tuesday was a double head so we had free tickets to both games, even though they only played seven innings each game which is lame. Joe and I are the only to that have an interest in sports and while we would like to see the home team do well we are not too invested in the outcome. We had a good time, attempting to explain what a force out is to Shaun, getting Rob to dive to head first into the next row and eating $1 hot dogs.

Afterwards Joe, Shaun and I headed over to
Voodoo Doughnuts to grab some fat. All the while talking about
Wii fit and how it would go about telling me that I’m fat. That and listen to Shaun tell us how horny he is. Fun times.