I went back to work after taking two months off because Riley was born. Even though I was back at work most of my time was spent doing things for Riley. Bree and I went to many childcare places trying to find something we felt comfortable with. We finally decided to go with Herman's Peewee's. We couldn't be happier with the choice. Thank you Lisa.
Mid January we traveled to Pullman Washington to visit Bree's Godmother, Janie. Janie was fighting cancer at the time and we wanted to spend has much time with her as possible. Tracking a 2.5 month old across two states was not has bad as expected. She slept most of the time.
Other than that, I played some basketball, lost some money at Philipps poker party and attempted to get back into the flow of work.
Bree headed back to work and we had to let go of our little girl for the first time. After work each day I headed to daycare to pick up the little squirt. I only forget her a few times before pulling into the drive way then backing up and heading to daycare.
Work was not going as well as I would hope, a couple of projects were fighting me.
Riley had her first Valentines day. And we made a music video with her. Am I one of those pushy parents making my child do strange things?
I continued to play basketball and started to play volleyball at the urging of my boss. I played in my second roofball event finishing as a semi finalist.
Around mid March we traveled back to Pullman Washington for Janie's funeral. We miss you Janie.
Kory and I got tickets to some of the first round games for March Madness.
In late March, Bree's sister Amber payed us a visit for a week or so. She spent her days watching Riley and her nights hanging out with Bree. Like sisters do they talked real loud and enjoyed their time with each other.
I also made a short film for the Salem Film Festivals 72 hour competition. We did OK, I liked some of the shots that came out. Thanks to Bob, Amber, Loren and Jake for helping out.April
During the first part of April we payed a visit to my family in Roseburg. Unfortunately We all got sick, like pukey sick. Bree, my Dad, Mom, two Grandmas, and a grandpa, luckily Riley was fine.
The second week, Bree had some family stop by. We had Nick, Morgan, Alex and her Parents staying with us. But again we proceeded to get each of them sick. It turns out that Bree had contracted some type of virus from work. I have no idea how Riley never got it but I'm glad she didn't. Nick a fancy pants TV producer from New York, did us the favor of producing an episode of Portland Men on Sports. Thanks Nick.
Other than that I hit a couple of Blazer games.
May was all about sports. Spring softball starting I went to some more Blazer games and played some more volleyball.
Other than that Riley was sitting up by herself. And that's about it for the month of May.
Softball was in full swing and it was great. John came to stay a weekend with us and we did nothing but veg out in front of the TV. He now knows that he should be watching Spaced and 30 Rock.
Shaun and I helped Joe move. Then forced him to drive us around Wilsonville at Midnight with the top down on his convertible, eventually winding up at Sharies.
I ended the month with a golf tournament on a Saturday and another Roofball event on Sunday. I once again finished as a semifinalist.
For the 4th of July we hoped a plane to Boise for the annual Doremus reunion. Riley did quite well just playing on the plane. I tried my hardest to break a jet ski with a rock but it was fixed.
I attended the Triple A all star game in town and it was a pretty cool event. Packed PGE park, don't see that too often.
Throw in some more softball, dunkball, video game parties with the fellas and some BBQ's and you have a very solid month.
John stopped by again and we did some more TV watching.
We hit Roseburg again for my Grandmother and Sister-in-law's birthday.
Bree's Sister Morgan came to visit again and watched Riley during the day and hung with us during the night.
And yes I played softball.

I started out September on vacation and used it to play golf and that's about it.
We then headed to Tahoe to attend JJ and Tami's wedding. Once again Riley did great on the plane. We all had a great time in Tahoe. JJ and Tami were awesome, plus that's when I scored some Oregon vs. Cal tickets from Jay's dad. Score!
We got to Roseburg again for my and my mothers birthday par T. I got to ride around in a Lambo.
I ended the month playing another Roofball tourney. And yes I finished as a semi-finalist. Oh and of course more softball was played.

We saw my folks again in the Burg for my Dads b-day.
Bree and I celebrated our fifth year together. Back when we got married we said we'd go to Hawaii for our fifth, not happening, perhaps later.
In mid October John and I met up in Seattle for a Q&A with Keven Smith. It was freaking awesome. Everyone should go, he'll be in PDX next year.
Bookie Productions started doing some shot video's for oregonsports.com. And softball finally came to an end, and Riley started swim classes.

November started out with a bang, my darling girl had her first birthday. We were in Roseburg to celebrate with my family. She had a good time lightly tugging at wrapping papers. Bree also had a birthday and worked right through it.
We had dinner with Jacob and Barb and a few days later we had dinner with Paul and Katie.
We had Thanksgiving with my family in Roseburg.
Basketball started.

I started off December at the Civil War with Paul, Katie and Clint. Ducks win! Ducks win!
We attended Lynette's surprise birthday party.
We went to Roseburg to have an early Christmas. Then headed to Boise for Christmas, Christmas. Once again Riley had a good flight. We had a great time and enjoyed all the Doremus fam.
Volleyball practice began and Basketball continued.