
Resolutions in review

Back on 1.4.10 put down 7 resolutions for this year. I figured that I'd check on these to make sure I'm doing what I need to do. Here begins a 7 -part series in which I'll review each of my resolutions and see where I'm at. Can you believe that a third of the year is already over?

1. Get in shape. Ah yes what I expect is the most common resolution and one I've made many a time before. That being said it's time I get serious about it. Since Bree became pregnant I've been putting on the pounds, she ate and I ate. The thing is she had the kid stopped eating so much and lost it, I on the other had have seemingly increased food consumption and decreased physical exercise. No gym and more, no working out, not even much Wii. Currently I'm playing basketball and volleyball weekly, it helps but for the most part reminds me how out of shape I am. Anyway the plan now is once those sports are done, get back to the gym.

Well I had planned on stopping Basketball and Volleyball in early March, but the teams wanted to keep playing so I kept playing. But the good news I have joined a gym, just over a week ago, I've been going but the best thing I've done is eat better. I've lost 5 lbs in 11 days. Softball is also gearing up and it looks like I should have some physical activity 6 days a week for the next month or so. Once basketball and volleyball are over with I'm going to concentrate on golf. I'm trying to establish a handicap.

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